#GetToKnow #FSSO #1stSymphony #ValentinesDayConcert #Composer #SalutD'Amour #Elgar

Edward Elgar was born on the 2nd June 1857 at Broadheath, a village some three miles from the small city of Worcester in the English West Midlands. His father had a music shop in Worcester and tuned pianos.
The young Elgar, therefore, had the great advantage of growing up in a thoroughly practical musical atmosphere. He studied the music available in his father's shop and taught himself to play a wide variety of instruments. It is a remarkable fact that Elgar was very largely self-taught as a composer - evidence of the strong determination behind his original and unique genius.
One of Elgar's best known works, the elegant and romantic flowing "Salut D'Amour" which means "Love's Greeting" in French is the overture for the FSSO Valentines Day Symphony Concert and will set the tone for the rest of the programme.
Tickets are still available from Pacofs for R100 and R40 students.
This concert is made possible through the support of the National Lotteries Commission and the whole family is welcome!
