#GetToKnow #FSSO #4thSymphonyConcert #Programme #Composer #Mozart

Mozart composed the sinfonia concertante work for four wind instruments and orchestra in Paris in the early summer of 1778. He never heard it performed, in any form. The work as it has been known and performed in the last hundred years or so, did not surface until 1886, and it has been somewhat controversial since its first publication.
The Sinfonia Concertante is popular today, and regularly performed. It is well-regarded by professional musicians, and will be one of the outstanding pieces performed by FSSO principals: Kobus Malan (oboe), Danré Strydom (clarinet), Brahm Henkins (Bassoon) and Shannon Armer (French horn). The piece forms part of the programme for the FSSO's fourth symphony concert of the year.
This coming Saturday, 22 September, the FSSO brings to the stage international piano virtuoso, Vitaly Pisarenko, but also places a spotlight on the local talent of the Odeion String Quartetas well as a number of the FSSO’s principal players.
The #FSSO #4thSymphonyConcert is brought to you in collaboration with the Odeion School of Music OSM, UFS.
