#GetToKnow #FSSO #KiddiesConcert #Music #Pryor #TheWhistlerAndHisDog

Arthur Pryor (1870–1942) was one of three accomplished musician brothers from St Joseph, Missouri. He became so well known as a trombonist that he was styled the ‘Paganini of the trombone’. 

He was in turn a leading attraction of the bands of Patrick S Gilmore and John Philip Sousa, whose assistant conductor he became before forming his own band in 1903. Besides marches and trombone solos he composed many dances and novelty pieces, among which The Whistler and his Dog (1905) has proved the most enduring.

The piece has an extensive solo for the piccolo, which provides the opportunity for a brief but virtuoso demonstration of whistling and barking!

Come play along to this exciting piece of music with the #FSSO on the 11th and 13th July 2018 at theOdeion School of Music OSM, UFS. Tickets are R60 at Computicket outlets so bring the whole family!

#LetItGoWithFSSO at the Vrystaat Kunstefees 2018
