Take #FRENCH as SCHOOL SUBJECT in 2018 !!! #FSSO #FrenchConnection #YearOfThePiano

*All GRADES 7, 8 and 9 learners are welcome to start 
*This will become your 8th subject in grade 10 and you write the IEB exam.
*Classes TUESDAY and THURSDAY 15:30 -16:45
*Classes START on 30 JANUARY 2018
*You also join the Alliance Française de Bloemfontein and attend all their socials.
In grade 10 you VISIT A SCHOOL IN FRANCE!!!
*REGISTRATION FEE: R700 – it ensures your place in the class, pays your membership of the Alliance Française and covers also the costs of all notes given throughout the year.
*REGISTRATION: Saturday 27 January at 133 Dan Pienaar Drive between 10:00 and 12:00
*For all inquiries contact Mrs. Bender
at 082 8748 654 or dir.afbfn@gmail.com
